Curtrice R. Goddard
Spirituality + Activism
Welcome to
Transcendent Social Justice.
Dismantling racial programming at the level of individual consciousness is when radical global change will occur.
Explore my work and offerings below....
Our greatest awakening will be within our minds and consciousness.
Consciousness is the Game Changer
Join Curtrice Goddard in a riveting and transformational conversation on the power of consciousness to dissolve racism in our collective reality.
Catalyze social transformation through this evolutionary lens to further your
en-LIGHTen-ment and strengthen the impact of your Leadership.Next cycle opens in October 2024
Transformational Activism
Fuel The Power of your Activism
Join me for mindset therapies, spiritual resilience development, and conscious expansion tools to fuel your activism.
There is energy, wisdom, and internal power greater than the constructs and narratives of this world. We are not bound by history, imbalances, or other people’s projections. We are free, despite circumstances, with the capacity to cultivate change & impact future generations.
This is an 8-week journey liberating the mind & spirit to directly impact your personal journey, initiatives & Activism projects.
Opens Sept 2024
Transcend The Game
Monthly Workshop
Transcending Racism
This is a Transformational workshop on the Power of Your Consciousness.
We explore the importance & impact of Black America cultivating an energy, self-perception, and self-identity shift.
We will dive deep into the true GAME-CHANGER required to catalyze our community and the global world to a new place and transform lives.
During our time together I will share my personal story of how Transformation work healed my heart, supported me in transcending limitations, and expanded my life.
It lead me on a path to discover my True Self; the undeniable, immovable core confidence rooted in the realization of god consciousness.
In this workshop you will learn how to mentally, energetically, and physically transform, transmute, and tranced barriers in the areas of:
Self-esteem / Identity
Career, Finances & Life Purpose
Health & Wellbeing
*Opens Sept 2024
Transcendent Social Justice
Self Development IS Racial Justice Work
A Tuned in Group of People is Powerful Group of People~ Curtrice Goddard
Founder. Guide. Educator.
Transcendent Social Justice, A Ministry and Movement for Collective Liberation.
Rev. Curtrice R. Goddard is an Educator, Speaker, Spiritual Mentor, and Personal Transformation Guide
Curtrice is the founder of Transcendent Social Justice™️ a racial healing platform exploring the intersection of Spirituality + Anti-Racism Work. Born in Detroit MI as a black woman she faced the challenges of systemic racism, inheriting tragic history and trauma in her bloodline. Through her spiritual evolution, consciousness studies, and emotional and mental healing she liberated her life at a radical level, transmuting and transcending the circumstances and narratives she was born into.
Her experience motivated her to develop a brand that focuses on empowerment, personal and global liberation, and healing the separation consciousness plaguing humanity.
Curtrice sends an empowering message, that our most significant efforts to dissolve supremacy and create regenerative changes in the world must begin at the level of individual consciousness. She offers a unique, often overlooked perspective that the very existence of racism is a powerful invitation in itself to personal and collective healing and evolution.
Curtrice's career spans over 15 years of spiritual development, consciousness studies, and immersive experience, including Traditional Naturopathic Medicine, Western Herbalism, Energy Medicine, and Emotional Trauma Healing. She is a gifted intuitive channel sharing messages of wisdom and liberation with humanity.
She has developed and directed a variety of programs covering leadership development, racial healing, racial liberation, mindset growth, emotional healing, wellness, empowered thinking, and personal transformation.
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© 2024